eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1965
Linguistica Uralica cover
Linguistica Uralica
ISSN 1736-7506 (Electronic)
ISSN 0868-4731 (Print)
Estonian Grammars by Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann; pp. 241–247
PDF | 10.3176/lu.2005.4.01

Karl Pajusalu

The article compares the academic Estonian grammars by Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann, a great figure in the 19th-century Estonian linguistics. More precisely, the article deals with Wiedemann’s grammar of the Võru dialect of South Estonian ”Versuch ueber den Werroehstnischen Dialekt” (1864) and his ”Grammatik der Ehstnischen Sprache” (1875) — a major Estonian grammar focusing on the central dialect of North Estonian but also treating other dialects. First, the article characterizes F. J. Wiedemann’s research methods and starting points. F. J. Wiedemann’s research on Estonian grammar grew out of polemics with the Estonian grammar by Eduard Ahrens, especially its second edition published in 1853. F. J. Wiedemann stressed some features not covered by E. Ahrens’ grammar of the North Estonian coastal dialect, for example, the opposition of three phonological quantities. F. J. Wiedemann applied the model of grammar first used in his grammar of the Võru dialect to his comprehensive grammar of the Estonian language. The grammars by F. J. Wiedemann present many more historical features of the Estonian language than the ones to be found in contemporary Standard Estonian. That is why F. J. Wiedemann’s works continue to be an important source for the study of the historical development of the Finnic languages.


Ahrens,  E.  1853,  Grammatik der Ehstnischen Sprache Revalschen Dialektes, Reval.

Alvre,  P.  1975,  Sada aastat Wiedemanni eesti keele grammatikat. - KK, 715-726.

Ariste,  P.  2005,  Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann, Tallinn.

Erelt,  M.,  Kasik,  R.,  Metslang,  H.,  Rajandi,  H.,  Ross,  K.,  Saari,  H.,  Tael,  K.,  Vare,  S.  1995,  Eesti keele grammatika I. Morfoloogia ja sõnamoodustus, Tallinn (= EKG).

Ross,  K.  2003,  Uue ajastu misjonilingvist. Eduard Ahrens 200, Tallinn.

Wiedemann,  F.  J.  1855,  Ueber die neueste Behandlung der ehstnischen Grammatik (Lu le 3 août 1855). - Bulletin hist-phil. XIII 1855, № 3/4/5, 33-80; № 6/7, 81-99.

Wiedemann,  F.  J.  1861,  Ein Vorschlag zur genaueren Erforschung der ehstnischen Sprache (Lu le 7 décembre 1860). - Bulletin III 1861, № 3, 175-180.

Wiedemann,  F.  J.  1864,  Versuch ueber den Werroehstnischen Dialekt, St. Petersburg.

Wiedemann,  F.  J.  1875,  Grammatik der Ehstnischen Sprache, zunächst wie sie in Mittel­ehstland gesprochen wird, mit Berücksichtigung der anderen Dialekte, St.-Pétersbourg.

Wiedemann,  F.  J.  2002,  Uurimus võru murdest. Versuch ueber den Werroehstnischen Dia­lekt, Tartu (Tartu Ülikooli eesti keele õppetooli toimetised 20).

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